Thursday, December 30, 2021

Of Protracted Deaths

And so
we discussed at length
painless options,
procuring pills; ingenious whims
laughing at euthanistic prospects,
you pooh-poohing carrying out
"if at all, it should be him..."
as we laughed some more;
both wanting him gone.

Lime pit is what we agreed upon.

What deliberation was it
to pick for mine
the most agonizing trick from
the stack
of protracted deaths?


What brought the year to an end
came as the longest week

when the koi had forgotten to swim
to the Yellow River as is her wont,
unlocking the knotted love hung out to dry

Uncannily quiet, the week
came with motley sounds
of bikes whizzing past
dogs barking
clothes ruffling under the weight of hugs
and wafting notes from forgotten music

but not the proverbial fish
silent in its arrival
waking me up with an excess of vowels.

The year came to an end,
with the weight of the longest week in ages,
The weight of knowing she knows
What I forever feared,
but never knew.