Saturday, August 29, 2009

Stuck at the Y

E&Y E&Y and the Bay the Bay the Bay
the red red sedan
that she drove away
the french fries scattered on a plate

are images that won't walk out the door

get me more than Frost at this strange Y
get me a bench under a tree
tell me am I any richer today

or am I forever poor?

vestiges of my mind
neatly packed, to be taken away
are back in their appointed corners

never one less never one more

away didn't work yesterday,
a U-turn did
away works for her

as she goes away for sure.


Manish Raj said...

Cure it dude..move on

Mampi said...

a 'U' must work when 'Y' doesnt. Life is after all not always about the road not taken.
Very well written!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the X&Y !! Not sure how long I will be stuck to that :-)

Oreen said...

Anon, given your fondness for Chris Martin, am sure you will be stuck to X&Y for a long time...

i, somehow, like his wife a little more...

Oreen said...

manish, mampi,

thanks :)
it is nice to see that you both think it is based on my life...will pass on your comments to the person concerned...

just a question: do we always just write about ourselves? is that what a blog is supposed to be? in that case i will run out of topics in a day...:)

Anonymous said...

Oh is infamous wife - that woman went on record saying Americans are intellectually inferior to brits!

Not that I disagree.. as I mentioned the other day - there is nothing like an Average American - most are below average!

Manish Raj said...

Oreen - your blogs may talk about anybody or anything you feel like :)

Nita said...

Wow! That's amazing. I didn't know you wrote poetry too! The arrangement is very impressive. I don't quite understand the piece entirely, but the movement is terrific, and from it, the essence is clear. I wonder when you are ever going to come out with your books!

Oreen said...

yeah, the context is a little difficult to understand...

this guy meets the girl in a building that houses Ernst&Young... the Bay is a food court with "the Bay" written all over...

the guy had made up his mind to leave his present and go with the girl...

but he takes a u-turn and comes back to his reality...

Figurines of glass said...

i didnt like this one at all..sorry, not ur style somehow. left me with nothing to rber :(

Oreen said...

yeah, contrived it always was...
cut and pasted from what was meant to be an elaborate prose piece...

Estella, you always get it right :) and I always go by your judgment...

How do we know said...

"vestiges of my mind
neatly packed, to be taken away
are back in their appointed corners

never one less never one more"

this part, me likes..

Oreen said...

:-) @ hdk

Anonymous said...

"the guy had made up his mind to leave his present and go with the girl" - I like that piece of explanation.

It's been that way since I can remember. He made his mind up the day Hitler shot himself. And ever since, wrote some 30 small poems, 3 short stories, 11 novels, 21 articles, 7 disertations & 16 white papers on it.

He did everything but that he made his mind up for.